Nursing research indicates
It's all here in this NEW 4th Edition of Nursing Test Development for NCLEX®RN Success!
Our new FOURTH Edition with extensive updates and an innovative chapter on the NGN (Next Generation NCLEX®-RN ). This easy to read book provides directions on developing a test plan and writing nursing items that ensure NCLEX® success!
NEW 4th Edition - Nursing Test Development for NCLEX®RN Success!
Paperback edition - 87 pages
Nursing Education is an ever-changing science. Sometimes, not as quickly changing as may be needed. “TEST DEVELOPMENT AND ITEM WRITING: FOR NCLEX® SUCCESS – 4th EDITION” has been written to assist nursing faculty with an innovative way to evaluate their students through testing. Click below to learn more!
Nursing Education is an ever-changing science. Sometimes, not as quickly changing as may be needed. “TEST DEVELOPMENT AND ITEM WRITING: FOR NCLEX® SUCCESS – 4th EDITION” has been written to assist nursing faculty with an innovative way to evaluate their students through testing. Click below to learn more!
The Cheese Has Moved!
Go Now to our faculty development page to see NGN information!